I am looking for miniature inspiration and with so many wonderful ideas out there that can be turned into 12th scale I always find it difficult to choose so I have decided to ask you if you would like to send me some of your ideas. If I think they will work in 12th scale (and I can make them!!) then you will see your chosen idea turned into a 12th scale model that I shall add to my collection of miniature designs. You will also receive a free copy and a reference about you and your idea in the website listing. The choice is vast and could range from a simple item such as a reclining Hare (I have this one in the pipeline of ideas!) to an explosive mixture of highly ornate 18th century swirls and swags that give way to a beautiful mirror design....the choices are endless and yours to make. I am happy to accept offerings from different centuries etc as well as small and larger items.
What do you need to send to me?
All I need from you is an image. If you can supply the back, sides and front of the image and an idea of size this is even better but not essential.
When you have the image you can email it to me
or whatsapp the image to 44 (0) 7539880641. I shall also add a link from the website
Please supply your name and email and also any details about the image. If you have located the image online then a link to the image would be really helpful.
Time scale?
I shall start working on new designs this month and there is no deadline or indeed end to this invitation. So if you fall in love with a full size item and want it produced in 12th scale just email it to me and then I can work out if it can be made.